Let’s look at how you can use the dashboard to manage your exercise and keep track of your scheduled content.

From the home page access the Crisis Exercise Manager Dashboard by clicking on the ‘Existing Exercises’ tab, then ‘Update’ for the relevant exercise.

Then click on ‘Content’ to go to your Injects List.

All of your scheduled content logged in this dashboard will have a red icon next to it. As this inject goes ‘live’ the page will automatically refresh and the icon will change to green indicating that the inject has now published. If you are in the process of creating a new inject, the page will not automatically refresh – this avoids you losing content you are writing).

Next to each inject there is an update button. Clicking on this allows you to change the publication time, content of the inject or recipient, even during the exercise. In this way you can dynamically alter the way your exercise unfolds.

If an inject is no longer relevant, you can remove this by pressing the delete button next to the inject. 

The ‘visit site’ button at the bottom of the page will open the front end of your exercise in separate tab. This allows you to keep track of the interactions made by the exercise participants.