Once you have logged in to the secure site the first screen you see will look like this. The first link takes you to the Crisis Exercise Manager Homepage. Below that you will see various links to any exercises you currently have set up. These links will open the ‘front end’ of these exercises as a separate tab in your browser - that is the site as your exercise participants will see it. 

Clicking on the Exercise Manager link will take you to the home page. 

The Exercise Manager home page has three tabs. The first tab – ‘Resources’ provides some content you might need when setting up your exercise. You can download a Participants’ Briefing Document, which you can adapt and send to your participants ahead of the day of the exercise. And you can download an Exercise Specification template to help you plan your exercise.

The second tab is where you can update an existing exercise, or clone an existing one into a new one. You can also use our handy templates to get you started.

The third tab allows you to create a new exercise from scratch.